Using AI to Support Seniors Struggling with Memory Loss

Seeing a loved one struggle with memory issues and cognitive decline can be extremely challenging for family members, especially when you are trying to support your loved one’s autonomy as much as possible. However, there is a surprising ally in this fight to keep our loved ones comfortable and happy in their own homes: the artificial intelligence found in smart devices like Amazon’s Echo, Google Assistant, or even Apple’s Siri. These handy devices can potentially help senior citizens through a variety of tasks, including staying connected with family, setting reminders for important tasks, and being at ease in their own homes.

Communicating with Family

All the time we spend with our loved ones is precious, and we want to connect with them as frequently as possible. This becomes especially important for our aging family members. Unfortunately, this can be difficult when your loved one has developed memory issues or other delays that hinder communication. The technology in these devices allows for phone calls to be made to the devices within your loved one’s home, and seniors can answer the phone call with a single button or phrase. There is also a version of the Alexa Echo with a screen called the Echo Show, and Google has a “Nest,” which both allow you to video call your loved one. Seeing your face can quickly brighten their day and help them feel connected to family without the danger of you or your family spreading illnesses to your immunocompromised senior loved ones.

Set Daily or Weekly Reminders

Though it is normal to forget things, this issue becomes strongly compounded for senior citizens with memory issues. Unfortunately, there are many aspects of the lives of seniors that, if not remembered, can be detrimental to their health, like medication and doctor’s appointments. Daily reminders can be set using most of these devices to help ensure medications are taken at the right time and not forgotten. Doctor’s appointments can also be set up as reminders, giving plenty of warning before travel needs to begin. Recurring reminders can be set up daily, weekly, or monthly. Other events can be placed into the calendar, so your loved one can ask what is happening this week and be given a rundown.

Increased Comfort in Their Home

Those who struggle with dementia or other memory issues are likely to ask the same questions constantly throughout the day for reassurance, like what time it is or what day it is. Most of these devices will answer these questions tirelessly and without annoyance, providing comfort for those who want the answer but recognize they have already asked their caregiver or do not have someone to ask at that moment. These devices can also help reduce loneliness by providing easily accessible games, audiobooks, and music.

Improving Quality of Life

Smart speakers can be helpful not only to senior citizens struggling with dementia or other memory issues but also for the families and caregivers that work with them. However, this kind of tech may not work for every senior, and they will not substitute for the quality in-home care that can be provided by a loved one or a professional. Depending on your senior’s individual needs, take time to research which device performs the types of functions that can improve their daily lives. If you and your loved one live far from each other, one of our team can help with basic setups.

Compassionate In-Home Help from Marquette Home Care

If you are looking for help in caring for your senior family members across the Marquette area, including Negaunee, Ishpeming, Harvey, Skandia, and Gwinn, reach out to Marquette Home Care today. We provide personal care, companion care, respite care, transportation care, as well as specialized care for Dementia and Alzheimer’s clients. Contact us today for more information at 906-361-8022.

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